AliExpress virgin hair vendors are the best place to buy hair products for women who want wigs, extensions, or weaves that look natural.

Virgin hair is natural, unprocessed human hair use to make wigs, hair extensions, and hair pieces. Virgin hair has never been chemically treated, either while it was on the head of the donor or while it was being made into a wig or extension.

Virgin hair is hair that has never been touched or dyed. It is the hair that grows out of our heads when we are born. Virgin hair is hair that hasn’t been changed in any way with chemicals.

Virgin hair is hair that has never been dyed, bleached, highlighted, curled, chemically straightened, relaxed, or treated in any other way to change its texture. Even if the hair has only been dyed or chemically treated once, it is no longer virgin hair, and you can’t go back to being a virgin unless you cut all of your hair off and start over.

Because it has never been processed before, virgin hair is usually very strong. Stylists usually like virgin hair because it’s like a clean slate.

If you ever decide to process the hair, it will probably be easier than processing already-processed hair.

Many women have had some kind of chemical treatment done to their hair at some point, so there aren’t that many women who could donate virgin hair. And because the hair has to be at least 8 inches long to donate, the pool of potential donors gets even smaller.



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Virgin hair is very trendy because every woman wants high-quality hair that looks and feels luxurious.

Virgin hair is hard to find, so it costs a lot. However, its look often makes up for the cost, and it only comes from one person.

Virgin hair is cut from the way it grows. This means that no two bundles have the same texture pattern. This may seem strange, but it’s actually very useful because everyone can find something they like.

It can’t be made or made in a factory. You have to get this high-end hair from donors who don’t use any chemicals on their hair and are willing to give at least 8 inches.

Since hair is basically a blank slate, you can do almost anything with it. You can color, heat, or braid it. The choices are endless. To get the most use out of the hair, you can also leave it in its natural state.


There are several different kinds of hair, but which ones are most popular and why?

Brazilian hair looks silky, light, and shiny. The type of hair that can do the most things and is the most popular.

Peruvian hair is thick, coarse, and long-lasting. Great for blending in with natural hair that isn’t as smooth as other extensions.

Malaysian hair is Silky, soft and full. This is a great choice for people whose natural hair is soft and fine.


All human hair is virgin, but not all virgin hair is human hair. Human hair can be dyed and styled, which means it is not “virgin.”

What makes a difference is how it is processed, or how it isn’t processed. Virgin hair has not been treated with chemicals, but it is still human hair.

Virgin hair is hair that comes from a single person and has never been dyed or treated with chemicals.

Remy hair is human ponytail hair that has a single direction of cuticles, but it can be dyed or treated.

100% human hair is any hair from a human scalp, so it could come from the floor of a hair salon, a brush, or even a dead body.

The price is another big difference. Most of the time, human hair is cheaper than virgin hair. One reason is how long it will last. Virgin hair should last at least a year and a half, and human hair should last about half as long, or about 6 months.


If you want to get the most wear and use out of your expensive virgin wigs or extensions, you really have to follow a few essential care tips on how to properly care for and store your virgin strands to make them last longer.

Brushing. True virgin hair has not been damaged by chemicals and still has its cuticle layer, which keeps it from getting tangled or frizzy. But small tangles and snarls are normal, so you’ll need to brush extensions and wigs made with virgin strands often to keep them from getting too tangled. This will also make less hair fall out.

Heat styling. One benefit of using virgin human hair is that it can be flat ironed, curled, or waved without melting. But you should only use heat to style your hair when it’s really necessary if you want it to look good and last longer. Heat is bad for hair, whether it is on your head or in a wig. If you like to heat style your hair, use a good heat protectant spray to keep your hair from getting damaged.

Washing. Using a shampoo without sulfates and a conditioner that adds moisture is the best way to keep your new hair clean and smelling good. When you shampoo your wig or extensions, make sure to carefully wash in one direction, down. Don’t pull the hair up or wash it by going up and down. This will keep you from tangling the hair too much or rubbing the cuticle layer too much.

Storage. Make sure to store your virgin strands in a way that won’t crease, bend, tangle, or snag the hair when you’re not using them. Choose a spot that is dry, cool, and not in direct sunlight. You can put it in a satin wig bag to help keep the moisture in, or you can put it on a wig head to help it keep its shape. Even a shoe box or small plastic container can be used to store virgin strands flat and keep them from getting dusty.

Straight Hair. Curly and wavy hair that is still virgin has usually been heat-treated to keep its curls or kinks. However, these curls tend to get messed up more quickly and don’t last as long as straight hair styles. Choose a straight style if you really want your hair to last up to 2 years

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